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店长日志📔3.1|我们开业半年啦!- Store Manager's Log 📔 3.1 | 6-Month Plog

🎊ViolaPets开业已经将近半年的时间啦🎊!在这半年的时间!我们一直致力于为顾客和他们的小宝贝打造一个美丽、安静、高质量的店🥰!很多顾客说我们是😻“猫咪的天堂”、“铲屎官天堂” 和开心顾客宝宝们用这些词语夸奖我们!这也是我们越做越好的道理中最最最重要的原因!下面来看看我们都做了哪些升级吧😻

🎊 ViolaPets has been open for almost six months now 🎊! During this time, we've been dedicated to creating a beautiful, peaceful, and high-quality store for our customers and their little ones 🥰! Many customers have called us a 😻 "cat paradise" and a "pet parent's heaven," and our happy customers' praises are the most important reason we keep improving! Let's take a look at the upgrades we've made 😻.

Before After

首先就是外观上的一大改变!不知道大家还记不记得之前这个🖤黑黢黢⚫️的墙,现在已经成功升级为奶油色🧁啦! 我们的每块玻璃透出来的画面都是像艺术品🖼️一样的,在伦敦这个天气☁️变幻莫测的地方,任何天气都不会影响到VP的美丽😻

First is the major change in appearance! Remember the dark 🖤 walls we had before? They have now been successfully upgraded to a lovely cream color 🧁! Each pane of our glass showcases scenes that look like artworks 🖼️. In London's unpredictable weather ☁️, VP's beauty remains unaffected, no matter the conditions 😻.


🎬 ShowRoom is officially open! As night 🎑 falls, this cozy space becomes incredibly warm and inviting 🧸. During the day, it exudes sophistication 🌠! We've also seen many customers outside taking photos 🤳🏻. We truly appreciate everyone loving this space and VP! 😻

不光光是外表做了升级!⬆️店里面的设备也都大有不同啦!!最最最开心的就是我们的🛁VP Salon在3月底的时候正式对外开放!大家都知道🇬🇧ViolaPets在去年年底和意大利🇮🇹奢华宠物洗护品牌Iv San Bernard达成了合作,VP和ISB对于宠物洗护的理念也不谋而合!本着对🐈🐩宠物皮毛健康负责的态度,VP团队都去了意大利进行了系统的学习,包括宠物皮肤结构🧬、酸碱性、产品成分🧪、作用,等等一系列的学习后终于把真正为宠物健康而存在的洗护带回了🇬🇧给大家看看VP Salon的环境吧!

It's not just the exterior that's been upgraded! ⬆️ The equipment inside the store has also changed significantly! The most exciting news is that our 🛁 VP Salon officially opened at the end of March! As you all know, 🇬🇧 ViolaPets partnered with the Italian 🇮🇹 luxury pet care brand Iv San Bernard at the end of last year. VP and ISB share the same philosophy when it comes to pet grooming. Committed to the health of pets' fur and skin, the VP team went to Italy for extensive training, covering topics such as pet skin structure 🧬, pH balance, product ingredients 🧪, and their effects. After completing this comprehensive training, we brought back the best pet care practices to 🇬🇧. Take a look at the VP Salon environment!

下面👇🏻来看看商品区的一些新设备吧🧸!首当其冲就是我们的娃娃机!!大家都知道VP有超多超多可爱的玩偶🧸和宠物玩具!店员和老板也都是自身的娃娃爱好者!所以这个娃娃机真的是众望所归!也希望能带给在等候区等待宠物🧼洗澡的顾客带来多一分乐趣! 再一个就是我们的猫条专区啦!VP被称之为猫咪🐱天堂不是没有原因的!这应该是全英国猫条种类最全的地方了哈哈哈哈!

Let's take a look at some new equipment in the product area👇🏻! First up is our claw machine!! Everyone knows VP has tons of adorable plush toys 🧸 and pet toys! Our staff and the owner are avid collectors of plush toys themselves, so this claw machine was highly anticipated! We hope it brings extra fun for customers waiting in the lounge area while their pets 🧼 are getting groomed!

Next is our cat treat section! There's a reason VP is called a cat paradise 🐱! We probably have the most extensive variety of cat treats in the whole UK, haha!

其实无论是我们做什么都是为了我们的宠物!他们是家人, 更是在用他们全部的生命陪伴我们! VP一直以来想要做的都是让宠物活的更开心一些! 他们开心了我们作为家长也会更开心! 作为VP的店长,在这个店开业半年以来,我们已经和非常多的顾客有了很好的交流,也感叹你们爱宠物的那颗心❤️!也谢谢你们选择VP!

No matter what we do, it’s all for our pets! They are family, and they accompany us with their entire lives! At VP, our goal has always been to make pets happier. When they are happy, we as pet parents are happier too! As the manager of VP, over the past six months since our store opened, we have had many wonderful interactions with our customers and have been moved by your love for your pets ❤️. Thank you for choosing VP!

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