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  • A FAMOUS CHINESE FOOD - "Luo Si Fen (reading: 螺蛳粉 luó sī fěn])" is a famous local dish in Liuzhou, Guangxi, China, with a special and tasty taste.
  • Liuzhou river snails rice noodles, in addition to sour, refreshing, fresh flavor has a unique spicy taste, ranks the first in Liuzhou flavor snacks.
  • It adopts special soft & smooth refreshing rice noodles (noodle made from rice) as materrials, and is prepared with sour bamboo shoots, agarics, peanuts, deep fry dried bean rolls, dried daikon radish, oil of chili pepper, rich flavor soup and fresh tender vegetable.

Spicy level:🌶️🌶️🌶️


How to cook:

1.Take 800g of water add rice noodles and boil for 10-15mins

2.add soup bag in package and various prepared ingredients and side dishes according to personal taste.



  • 柳州螺蛳粉,除了酸、爽口、鲜香外,还有独特的辣味,居柳州风味小吃之首。
  • 采用特制软滑爽口的米粉(米粉)为原料,配以酸笋、木耳、花生、油炸豆卷、萝卜干、辣椒油,汤汁浓郁,鲜味十足。嫩蔬菜。

Luobawang Liuzhou Luoshi Rice Noodle[螺霸王螺蛳粉-海外直供版]

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